Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Just Resting, Thank You

Egypt is a playful country. People work hard but they see a lot of humour in life and they like to play, whether it's an actual game or a joke or just a bit of clowning with a friend in the street. And we do have some stunning props! This lovely red granite sarcophagus lies in the desert near the railway to Fayoum and everyone who sees it has the irresistible urge to climb on or in it. I have a whole collection of sarcophagus photos.


Kate said...

I don't know whether this is amusing or macabre. Guess it depends upon your age!! It is fun, tho, to see different aspects of various countries.

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani said...

After about four thousand years, it's basically a big rock box. But it's such a temptation to everyone to sit on or in it because it is so big, and most of the others are in museums where you aren't supposed to touch.

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