Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Need A Ride?

Cairo cab drivers are deserving of serious study. Most people swear that they are not entirely sane, and the fact that they spend their days driving the streets of the city is held as proof of this fact. It may be true, but I've also met some very decent cab drivers who may be the exceptions that prove the rule and there are many tales of cabbies hunting down the last fare to return a briefcase, bag or phone. Then there was the cab that had absolutely no interior other than the seats...just the steel of the roof and doors..or the apochryphal "red velvet taxi" that the girls shunned as high school students not just because it looked like a brothel on wheels, but because the driver seemed to feel that it was one. Life is never dull.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading what your wrote for your post today. It was interesting to me. I have only been in a taxi in Tokyo, Japan in 1954. Never since. Those drivers were called Kamikaze because they drove in traffic and through people like their cousins did in Zero airplanes during the war.

Ann (MobayDP) said...

lol :) Those cabbies remind me of the ones we have in Montego Bay Jamaica.

I could tell you stories of the taxis and busses in Jamaica! Some of them are indeed brothels on wheels :-O

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