Monday, July 20, 2009

Country Roads

A canalside trail in the countryside with a farmer resting by the canal, a young boy walking a water buffalo, and a mosque in the distance. A typical peaceful scene. Wonderful for horseback riding.


brattcat said...

Beautiful slice of life photo. What is the building in the background with the protruding rods?

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani said...

That is the beginning of a house.

Leif Hagen said...

Quite different from the local roads here in Eagan - fun to see the differences!

Vagabonde said...

This is a very serene scene. I have many old postcards of Egypt and I think I have one which looks just like this photo.

Anonymous said...

This photo is so lovely and brings memories...

Dina said...

Reminds me of "2eddy dahrak lel ter3a". Do you know that old advertisement about bilharzia?

Love your pics by the way :)

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