Friday, October 14, 2011

Urban Cow

Not exactly the sort of thing you expect to see inside an iron railing in Zamalek. The cow isn't real and neither is the grass...or there would be one very overworked gardener at the Dutch embassy.


Annie said...

cute.. though not sure what i'm intrigued more by - the fake cow or the fake grass..

thanks for sharing!

Justmove said...

The cow is simply great.

doe said...

i'm thoroughly amused . . fake cow AND fake grass :)

Caitlin Van said...

This cow is so cute, too bad it isn't alive! It is so sweet, does it have a name?

Dora London said...

Yes, the cow is very sweet and the grass is pretty realistic, but not exactly the view I would expect to see!Its nice :)!

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