Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Modern Obelisk

Yesterday saw the first anniversary of the protests that led to the fall of Hosny Mubarak. There were a lot of whispers about what to expect including the military's wild predictions that protesters would run riot, ransacking Cairo. What happened was beyond the realm of imagination. Tahrir was filled to capacity by 11 am, with huge marches on the way from all parts of the city protesting the continuation of military rule. The day was peaceful and powerful, challenging the military's predictions. This obelisk was brought to the protests and lists the martyrs of the protests for the past year. You can find this photo and others in the Facebook album of Egyptians in the US.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

You Tell Me


The joy of improbable signs. Perhaps it's ok to set a fire but not to feed one?
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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Not A Clue


The desert in Egypt is full of interesting oddities. In our area you can find pharoanic remnants, fossilized seashells, and volcanic debris that is probably many millions of years old. I can rule out the first couple of categories, but that doesn't mean that I know what this is, although it is really fascinating.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Tools of the Tbone


We were blessed last year with a male water buffalo calf who was named at birth Kofta for the delicious barbecued ground beef fingers that are prepared here. It may seem a bit harsh to some, but there really isn't much you can do with a male water buffalo unless he's something really special for breeding...and Kofta wasn't. He lived with us for a year and was much loved and petted, but as he approached his first birthday the testosterone began to flow and he was much bigger. When something the size of a VW bug decides to play head butt with you, it's time to do something. My assistant/driver/Man Friday/Photography Elf Mohamed brought his butchering tools, many of which are handmade and razor sharp, in to work and we now have a freezer full of Kofta. And he is quite tasty.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Home Alone


One of the interesting things about the desert is the fact that while it looks empty, it isn't really. I have no idea what lives in this hole, and considering that it could be a scorpion or spider or snake, I'm not in a hurry to find out. There were many such holes in the area.
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Favourite Line

I know that the intentions of Carrefour are good, but their sign makers have this odd way of making puzzling signs. Every time I see this one I want to go to the line but I'm not quite sure why. I find shopping one of the most disabling activities on the planet.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hommos el Sham


This is a dish you won't find in most restaurants. It's a light vegetarian tomato soup that has been used to boil chickpeas. It's served in a glass with the chickpeas in the bottom of the glass, some lemon to squeeze into it and powdered hot pepper to add if you are into spice. Wonderful on a winter afternoon, light but filling. It's usually sold in koshari shops and often served in plastic bags with a straw.
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