Monday, February 20, 2012

Just For Fun

I have a friend who photographs competitive bodybuilders all over the world. Ulrich comes to Cairo about once a year to check in on the Egyptians who are competing and to take videos and photos of them. He likes to make the photos interesting with good settings and so on, and I've been helping him with that for several years. So yesterday we were out in the desert watching a bunch of bodybuilders freeze to death in a chilly wind while flexing on camels. Only in Egypt...


Sharon said...

This one is very creative!

Annie said...

LOL.. Oh, that's totally great :-p
just made my monday morning!


Jack said...

I sure haven't seen a photograph like this one before. Excellent! (I look NOTHING like this!!!)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

What a great shot Maryanne, I like the way they are spaced so they seem to get smaller in size.. Excellent fun image and very impressive muscles!!

Anonymous said...

The men look great, but so do the camels.

Rohrerbot said...

The ruins give them just a little extra muscle:)

Shammickite said...

That's the whackiest picture I've ever seen of Egypt! Love it!

rapunzel said...

What a great shot! Thanks for the giggle.

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