Sunday, November 9, 2014


Cairo traffic is infamous. Crowded, slow, name it. Motorcycles and scooters are commonplace as they can slide among the cars in a traffic jam, but his guy was carrying something extra, a stout walking stick to protect his legs or to rap an encroaching car on the hood maybe. 


Unknown said...

I like to explore the country on this blog.

Unknown said...

I like to explore the country on this blog.

William Kendall said...

Very crowded indeed, not to mention unsafe!

Unknown said...

Hello Maryanne, just found your blog via Graces and I love it :) I'm looking for blogs from all over the world, so I can take a closer look without having to travel :))
I'm from Germany, I live at the Baltic Sea, close to the beach. If you're interested, you're welcome to stop by :)

♥ Knipsa

GoDiscoveryTours said...

Cairo is the largest city in africa where you can find many cars in your way to any place

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