Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Edge

The images that come out of Egypt tend to be too selective for my taste. Dusty cities, camels by pyramids, people fighting against security forces downtown, stones in the desert.... they only catch small parts of our country. One of the most important things to know about Egypt is the dichotomy between the desert and the Nile Valley. Although geographically, Egypt is roughly the size of France, in terms of usable land space it is more  the size of the Netherlands. We have close to 100 million people with their cities and industries jammed into a tiny sliver of land running along the Nile. This photo shot from a hill just south of Sakkara's Step Pyramid highlights the knife-edge break between the desert and the lush valley.


Jocelyn in NZ said...

Oh yes, that amazing experience of desert on one side of the vehicle and lush greenery on the other side, as we drove up to the Step Pyramid, is one of my most vivid and treasured memories of Egypt. We had 2 wonderful weeks in Egypt a couple of years ago, and I would love to go back. I really enjoy seeing the photos you post, and reading your posts about life in Egypt. It is a special place!

brattcat said...

knife edge indeed. beautifully described.

Star said...

One reads of this, but it's amazing to see. Thanks!

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