Friday, October 19, 2012

Who Knows Where The Clothes Go...

 This seems pretty weird to me, but a lot of clothes bought in North America and Europe are made here in Egypt. We have local shops that sell seconds at extremely reasonable prices and you can get name brands for peanuts. But once the clothes have been shipped out, they start their way back here, among other places. Many people tire of their clothing before it wears out and they sell or donate items in North America and Europe. Very often these second hand items are shipped back to Egypt where they end up in Wekala el Balah, an area of Cairo known for inexpnesive clothing and fabric. There they can be bought off racks, as seen above, or in bales sight unseen.


Star said...

It seems pretty weird to me, too. What with all those transport costs, how could it be less expensive to produce in one country, and sell in another so very far away, but apparently it's true. Thanks for another fascinating glimpse of everyday life in your part of Egypt.

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani said...

It's all part of the chain of producers and consumers. I'm sure an economist might have something to say about how sensible it is.

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