Saturday, April 19, 2014

Bounty In The Trees

In April we are surrounded by red/black and white mulberry trees full of ripe fruit. In the old days, the cities were also filled with mulberry trees along the streets, but as the ripe fruit does gather flies, people are cutting down the trees. It's heaven to go for a leisurely ride on horseback and stop to pick a few every few meters.


William Kendall said...

I have heard of them, but I know they don't grow here. I don't think I've ever seen the berries in stores, either.

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani said...

They aren't even farmed commercially much in Egypt. They don't keep well or travel well. To be honest, the white mulberries are so sweet, I don't really like them. I prefer the slightly tarter black mulberries.

AareneX said...

They look like our wild (feral?) Himalayan blackberries, but those are rarely tart...and never white.

Another reason to travel: so I can try tasting mulberries!

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