Thursday, May 10, 2007

Got Bread?

Most people now know the Arabic pocket bread that is often called "pita". But this bread is so much more amazing when it is baked in a woodburning oven like the farmers' use. I had one built at the farm and we bake and then freeze about 30 kg of fresh bread to be used later by the staff.


Susan said...

I'm wondering how it tastes after it's frozen. It's so damn good fresh outta the oven.

Irina said...

This photo makes me remember that I'm hungry :) I can nearly smell this hot bread!

Anonymous said...

just did groceries shopping and bought 2 pcs. in the fridge now. i know the taste cant beat the authentic ones but still tasty!

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Very nice photo. I love pita bread (any kind of Middle Eastern bread, for that matter), but I haven't yet been able to find good flat breads in my city. The ones you get from the supermarkets are, well, I'm sure you wouldn't even look at them! :)

Greetings from Boston.

Tara said...

Oh, that bread looks wonderful! it looks more appealing than the wheat pita I had for lunch yesterday.

Olive said...

I can smell the bread just looking at your photo. Great shot!

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