Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Lit Up

I was out riding in the desert with some friends one rainy afternoon and on the way home we noticed that the setting sun was coming in under the clouds illuminating the pyramids at the edge of the valley, while behind the pyramids the rainclouds were a deep navy blue/black. Great contrast.


Waldo Oiseau said...

Wonderfully fantastic photo, and with the sky just an unbelievable shade of blue!

Got a chance to read some of your other blogs, too. **Please know that the majority of American citizens do not support the war, and hope for peace. Frankly, we'd rather pay more for gas and use our tax dollars to provide health coverage for all our citizens. We are counting down the days to the new president.**

Anonymous said...

I have a hard time getting used to seeing a fine horse on the desert and pyramids in the background. It is almost surreal like my dream. It is a fine photograph and I like your work.

I got to fly last night. I mean I just dove in and flew. You can find out how on my blog post today.

Dsole said...

What an special moment!!
It seems there is a heavy storm over there, i hope it didn't caught you!

JaamZIN said...

ohh I love this photo. So dramatic with the sky!

pusa said...

amazing! it looks surreal like you can only see this in the movies

Anonymous said...

Wow. Simply amazing. I must visit someday.

magiceye said...

wow!!!! stunningly beautiful!!!

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Oh what a wonderful photo !!!! It's so dramatic and clean. Really stunning !

Anonymous said...

You know years ago when I was visiting family. I took a horseback ride into the desert behind the pyramids. We rode away from the city until you couldn't see a single building or hear a mechanical sound. All of time stood still and you turned and wondered if this is what it must have felt like when foreigners came and saw the mighty pyramids for the first time centuries or millenia ago.
Lovely photo.

Anonymous said...

Great photo but kind of scary to cross there!

JM Vigil said...

Really love the colors here, the contrast with the sand and sky...breathtaking.

Janet said...

This is one of those moments that only come around occasionally. Glad you got it on camera.

Oya said...

That is a special treat ...

Z said...

Beautiful indeed!

Chris said...

This is a fabulous photo! Must have been quite a downpour.

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