Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Minding the Store

A brother and sister watch the family shop in the afternoon. To the right is the area where their mother makes and sells foul and taameya and fried eggplant sandwiches.


into said...

I estimate their capital for the sweets part about $30

Shaista said...

They look so happy to be in the picture :)
Happy New Year to you, I hope you find plenty more joy in the little details of the life that surrounds you..

brattcat said...

I just love how the boy is waving to you in this shot.

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani said...

Neighbours...I'm part of their daily entertainment.

rLn! said...

Still, after all these years? (Being their entertainment...)

Even me, when i'm at the village, i'm still the "center of distraction" when we go there to visit. i guess village life is so routine that any thing off the set routine is a form of distraction.

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