Saturday, July 31, 2010

Country Afternoon

Kelly caught the farmers going about their daily chores in the countryside in this lovely shot.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Georgia O'Keefe Would Love These

While on a ride out in the desert, we cut back home through the area fondly known as the Boneyard...a place where the Antiquities Department at Sakkara dumps excavation debris. You never know what you'll find there. This time there was a row of four canine skulls neatly lined up on an old plank of wood in the sand. They could be dogs; they could be jackals. We had no way of knowing. Kelly got the shot.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Woman And Goat

This is simply one of the most lovely photos I've ever seen of our village women. Kelly went out for a walk along one of our riding trails one afternoon and in one cluster of homes, the children and women all asked for their photos to be taken. As soon as my knees are better I'm heading out to deliver copies of the pictures to the women and children as Kelly printed them before she left.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sufi Dancing

Since I'm still somewhat housebound I'm taking advantage of some marvelous photos that a houseguest, Kelly Anderson of New Zealand, took while visiting for six weeks. This is one that she got one evening when she went to see the sufi dancing at El Taz palace in Hussein. This is a free performance every Wednesday evening in a restored Mameluke palace in the Khan el Khalili area.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wekelat el Balah

Although the name refers to dates, the area is known for fabrics of every possible type. Do you need to reupholster your sofa? You can go to the upscale fabric shops in Maadi or Zamalek, or you can come here and probably find the same fabric for half the price. It's magic.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jog Dogs

A while back a running addict friend of mine was staying with me and we went out into the desert so that she could run and I could take photos. It was NOT during the summer. Misu, the terrier who seems to be suspended in the air, was not like that because of hot feet.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fabric Textures

My housekeeper in her tie dyed galabeya is hanging tablecloths in the back garden. The blue one is printed with traditional patterns from the tentmaker's trade. The green and yellow one behind is a local batik.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Wet Look

You are driving along a country road and parked on the side of the road are the reddest peaches and the most golden apricots you've ever seen. They don't just speak to you...they shout. Unfortunately, the fruit may not be the only thing shouting at some point since you can't guarantee what they've been washed in. That's when a nice clorox rinse comes in handy.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Pause That Refreshed.

These plain wooden bench sofas are common in gardens in the countryside. They are usually wide and long enough to double as a bed with a cotton mattress as well. The Coca Cola? Ubiquitous.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Motorcycle Built For Three

The boom in motorcycle sales has given rise to a huge increase of pretty amazing photos and also whispered prayers as we drive along.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mango Time

It might not look like a tough mango season from this photo, but the warm temperatures during the winter didn't really help things much. For some reason mangoes from a roadside stand are always more appealing.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

To Market To Market

The Moneeb Bridge is a treasure house of fascinating vehicles. You might see horses and carts, donkey carts, animals in pickup trucks, families including children and poultry on motorcycles. On this day there was a basket seller with his stock of baskets somehow bound up together in a huge basket-ball pedalling like mad across the bridge. Rear view mirrors need not apply.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Why Cairenes Summer in Alexandria

Summers in Cairo are Hot. Average temperatures run in the high 30's C/high 90's to low 100's F from June to August and in the city it's pretty brutal. Alexandria with its sea breezes is at least 10 degrees C cooler than Cairo albeit rather more humid. Since Mohamed Ali rebuilt Alexandria in the 1800's the government and whoever else could manage it has moved to Alexandria for the summer. The advent of air conditioning meant that most governmental offices no longer close up in Cairo during the summer but as many people as possible go to the North Coast for at least a bit of a break. And then of course, there is the fish,

Friday, July 9, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

One of the nice things about New York is that New Yorkers like dogs. They take them shopping at the Farmers' Markets, take them to dog parks, and basically really enjoy their dogs. This guy decided to bring his chew toy on a trip to the Farmers' Market in Union Square but about halfway through the morning was kind of wishing he'd left it home.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Perfect Dress

I live outside Cairo and my kids live in New York, two cities separated by an ocean or two and joined by a unique joie de vivre and a twenty four hour clock. I couldn't handle living in Manhattan although I do enjoy visiting it every so often. Walking through Union Square in June I could barely keep up with all the activities at a weekend street fair. This young woman in a wedding dress and white baseball cap talking on a mobile phone just seemed perfect.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

One For You Merri!

Apologies to all my readers but a week ago I went into the hospital for a bilateral knee replacement and I'm not doing much photography yet. For that matter, I'm not doing much of anything really. This is a shot of my annual trip to FAO Schwartz with my daughter in New York earlier in June. For a while you'll be getting a weird random assortment of photos, but this one is special for Merri Melde of and her friend the Raven.

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