Saturday, November 27, 2010

Old Friends on A Norag

These two gentlemen were enjoying the autumn sunshine on a norag, an old wooden bench used for threshing with oxen.


Anonymous said...

What a nice way to spend some time.

Unknown said...

I like this photo. The two guys do look very relaxed, and a little amused. Love the earthy colours.

Errikos Skouloudis - Ionkeftiu said...

Your calender is very interesting. Very lovely idea. I am surprised with your ability to convince people to pose for you. I found completly difficult during my trips in Egypt. They always asked for money

I have 3 blogs where i make some compositions. If you are interested
The ark of Praisos

Erythrea.Lithri(today Ildiri)

The Cretan bull

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani said...

I've lived in Egypt for about 25 years, speak Arabic and know many of the people that I photograph by sight. For them, I'm not a tourist; just a slightly nutty old lady who likes to take pictures. They humour me.

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