Thursday, April 5, 2007

Carrying... taking it further

The other day I passed a woman who was actually carrying a stack of things on her head that almost equalled her height. I was without a camera unfortunately. This is probably much healthier for your back than hauling things around with your arms.


Chuckeroon said...

Happy Easter.........great snap!!

Anonymous said...

A lot of people carry things on their heads but I never see it in this country. I like your photo.

This is my first visit to your blog and I like your photography.

Brookville Daily Photo

magiceye said...


Kate said...

It takes a aterrible toll on one's neck, tho, which many women suffer after many years of this kind of toil!

riniroo said...

Amazing balance, wish I could do that.

Olive said...

I have tried to learn how to do that for YEARS! I knew little girls who could carry pails of water that was almost equal to their own weight. I have never seen a man do it though...
Great blog by the way!

Anonymous said...

Carrying heavy item with such balance is one of the many talents of Egyptian women. They are one of the strongest type of women I have ever met.

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