Thursday, June 7, 2007

Tracks In The Desert

During pharoanic times a lot of the travel in Egypt was carried by the Nile. With prevailing winds from the north and the current from the south, it was possible to sail upstream to the south and then drift with the current downstream to the north. Of course, the riverbed was treacherous as every flood changed the river's path. Mohamed Ali, when he came to power in the 1800's made the decision to modernise the country and built the railroads along the Nile Valley. The railway is still one of the best ways to travel between Cairo and Alexandria, much safer than the highway and faster. This particular stretch of railway is a line that goes between the Fayoum Oasis and Cairo.


Janet said...

Neat photo, though I would wonder how they keep sand off the tracks! It must not be a problem!

Eric said...

Superb photo and very interesting comment. It's hard to believe this railway still works...

Really good.

Anonymous said...

It is a super shot. The perspective is very nice. I wonder how they keep the blowing sand off the rails. It looks like they are already down deep.

Abraham Lincoln
Remember "The World's Ugliest Cat?" He got a haircut!
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Anonymous said...

Lovely shot!

Of course in the UK the sand would be a good excuse for the trains to stop running.

Sally said...

I like this shot alot. Makes my mind wander into travel mode....somehow the exoticness of it, although it really is deceptively simple...

Dina said...

Great photos

Steve Cuddihy said...

Great shot! I love how everything focuses to the center of the photo.

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