Sunday, August 3, 2008

Imaginary Giza

When people imagine visiting Giza this is what they imagine...desert, pyramids, and maybe a nice Arabian horse. The horse is real, one of mine, and the view is real but you rarely approach the Giza pyramids from the south because there are no roads there and the army is less than friendly to cars in the desert in the area.

Instead, visitors approach the Giza plateau through city traffic, filled with buses, trucks, horse carriages and cars along streets lined with shops and apartment buildings. Not the stuff of imagination at all. But then, what really is any more?


Sally said...

So true! Thanks for showing it as it is!

Wrap yourself in love from Sydney
Sydney Daily Photo


So nice, your first picture is a real post card.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to your photos. They take me somewhere I'd always wanted to go. Thanks again.

Unknown said...

Very nice photo with the horse's head!
I've been there... but got to pyramids the usual way...


Benjamin Madison said...

The top photo is a classic beauty but the beautiful horse's head makes it unique.

Jane Hards Photography said...

You are absolutely right. My first image is a stunning shot,the romantic version, the second the reality. Still a site I'd like to see first hand.

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