Friday, February 29, 2008

The Ghost of A Cow

Many Egyptians like their meat fresh, very fresh. On Thursdays very often one will see a beef carcase hanging outside a village or city butcher, possibly covered with a damp cloth to keep flies away and preserve freshness.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Prominent Position

I was hanging around a corner in Nazlit Semman waiting for some friends and just shooting random scenes when this young man crossed the road with a boy on his shoulders and entered a shop. As they came out, it was clear that he'd bought the child some sweets. Big brother maybe?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

No What?

"Egypt is the land where everything is forbidden and anything is possible." according to my late husband and I've seen nothing to contradict that.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Old Seen From The New

One of my all-time favourite juxtapositions in Giza is the placement of a Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut just facing the Sphinx and the Pyramids. What can you say?

Apologies for not being around. Friends offered me a Nile cruise. Never been on one before, so I went and took my buddy Da Moose. Check my other blogs for news and photos of that...but this should make up for it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Winter Sky

We've had a cold winter in Egypt...well, cold for Egypt at least. Many of the favourite trees here are those that lose the leaves in the little cold that we do have in the winter and then provide shade during the hot summers, trees like poinciana (flame of the forest), jacaranda and bauhinia (the camel foot tree). This bauhinia has lost all of its leaves but will be covered in beautiful lavender/mauve blossoms in another couple of months. Meanwhile, it provides a lovely lattice work against an evening sky.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Thing Of Beauty

One of the things associated with Egypt is the discovery of pharoanic gold. Some of it, like the mask or the coffin of King Tut are stunning both in the workmanship and in the sheer quantity. Others like this necklace are simply beautiful.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Aren't You Supposed To Cook It First?

I didn't need a new dog but a visiting friend found an injured baladi pup that was the image of my last baladi dog. When Paddi couldn't take Bella home with her because of airline regulations, I kept her for her resemblance to my old Stella. This morning she came out, plonked herself down on our filly's front legs and began chewing away. Shams put up with it for quite a while, but finally got up, depriving Bella of her gnawing spot. The other dogs found the puppy's chewing attempts quite entertaining. They all know better than to chew on horses.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Camel Things

I've put a shot of these guys before. There's something almost fantastic about the shape of the camels when they are carrying palm fronds. The movement is even more fantastic with the bobbing heads and the waving fronds.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Going Home

From the first when I moved to Cairo and my horses were being kept at Sakkara Country Club, I could feel myself relax as I drove down this road towards the desert. Now that I live out here, the feeling is even stronger on my way back from the city. So good to know that you are almost home.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Spice of Life

To be honest, I'm not sure what all these things are, but they certainly are colourful. The selection is even better when you visit the attar...the spice market.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Rolling Machine

Stuffed grape leaves are a favourite dish in Egypt, and at least in the old days a woman's cooking skill was partly determined by her ability to roll small tight stuffed grape leaves or cabbage rolls. The filling might include some ground meat, but more usually is seasoned rice. While at the Souq el Goma (the Friday Market) in old Cairo we found this gentleman who had a wonderful gadget that he was demonstrating. It was a rolling machine for grape leaves. What is the world coming to?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Old Habits Die Hard

Visitors to the Solar Boat Museum at the Giza plateau see a cedar wood boat that was constructed thousands of years ago from Lebanese cedar that was held together with palm fiber ropes. No nails were used in its construction. This minaret in old Cairo is probably over 500 years old and the scaffolding used in its restoration is also held together with rope, as are many scaffoldings throughout Egypt.

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