Monday, September 22, 2008

Cleaning The Drain

Many of the larger farms have huge diesel pumps to draw water from the irrigation canals with inlets set in concrete. While out riding the other day I spotted this man squatting on the concrete box of the inlet while fishing bits of vegetation out of the inlet hole. From the other side of the ficus trees along the canal bank, he was spotlighted against the water.


Frankie / Nick said...

What a peaceful and calming graphic.

glenda said...

My daughter and her husband are visiting Cairo, Egypt right now, and I found your site which is so informative. It helps to see places and things from where they are. Thanks

Kris McCracken said...

These drainage systems look great on Google Earth!

Jane Hards Photography said...

A scene that would be so differeent, here. We take irrigation of water for granted in the west,

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