Monday, September 8, 2008

Meal On The Run

This photo was taken before Ramadan. During Ramadan no one sells food at intersections but ordinarily this fleet of bread sellers fans out through the cars stuck in traffic selling an Egyptian version of pretzels.


Sharon said...

That bread looks very good. I'd love to try some.
I heard the news about the rock slide in Cairo. I hope everyone you know is safe.

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani said...

I don't know many people in Manshiet el Nasr. It's a terrible place to build and a terrible mess now. Not the first time there's been a landslide there. The hills are quite unstable.

Ken Mac said...

wish we hasd there here in NYC!

simon kutcher said...

How do they taste?

The Equestrian Vagabond said...

You know how some things taste sooooo good when you are visiting a foreign country? This bread is one of those things. But it would taste good at home too!

Tootie said...

This is such an interesting blog to read! I am learning much here. I would certainly love to try that bread. :-)

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