Friday, September 19, 2008

Garden City

Garden City is one of the neighbourhoods of Cairo, a district filled with randomly curving streets, old (often crumbling) villas, huge trees, impossible parking, and naturally gardens. It is the area of embassies with the British, Americans, and Canadians, among others, being located there and many banks. There is a story that Garden City was designed to be confusing so that thieves would not be able to find their way out of the district should they choose to rob a bank or villa. While the confusing layout certainly confuses me, I suspect that an enterprising thief would have no problem with them, should one be so foolish as to try. With all of the important residents, however, the level of security is quite high.


Anonymous said...

its good to know about it? where did you get that information?

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani said...

Twenty years of asking questions and listening to stories. Always useful to speak the local this case, Arabic.

Anonymous said...

Planned to be confusing. I like that. Glad you keep questioning and listening.

MsTypo said...

I think that "designed to be confusing" label could be applied to most neighbourhoods in Cairo. LOL Great blog! ;)

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