Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fender Bender

We are moving into the second half of Ramadan, and you might ask what the picture of a traffic accident has to do with a month of fasting. Well, during the first week of Ramadan when our tea-drinking and cigarette smoking population is suffering from some very nasty caffeine and nicotine withdrawal, you would likely see much more heat from the gentlemen discussing the damage. The first week of Ramadan one of my friends reported seeing four fist fights among cab drivers during a 45 minute drive. Now, however, bodies are used to waiting until sunset for caffeine and nicotine...and two weeks of late night visiting and entertaining while working during the day are taking their toll and most people are too weary to think of fighting. Unfortunately, weary drivers are also more likely to have accidents. Not a good month for driving overall.


Mia said...

Ohhh, I never gave much thought to the lack of caffeine.

But after only experienced 10 short days of Ramadan, I love Egypt. I hope I get to go back some day :)

Anonymous said...

Very interesting observations. Thanks for sharing :D

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