Wednesday, June 6, 2007

A Working Man

With all of the equine workers in Egypt, blacksmiths are still an important part of our lives. You will see a man set up in a quiet nook in Nazlit Semman shoeing the poor pyramids horses and the donkeys that pull the carts, or at a village market the farmers will stop by to have their donkeys trimmed. Not all of our smiths are well-trained unfortunately, since the last outside influence over training left with the British in the 50's. My farrier, for example, was trained by a local farrier who had been British trained, but his mentor only trained him when Yassin realised that he was going blind. Since then a number of us have arranged training for Omar with visiting farriers and vets, bought him good tools and so on, and we have an excellent farrier now.


Janet said...

Interesting about the farriers there. We had a blacksmith shop when I was a child, and it was always fun to go watch him work.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just clicked in from another blog but I don't remember which one. I'm glad I did because you have some interesting posts here and this is the first time I've been to Egypt :) I will return.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I love the perspective of this shot.

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